Signs You’re Low on Vitamin D

Not feeling quite yourself lately? If it is not the cholesterol, could it be your vitamin D?

Read on for some red flags that you need more of the “sunshine vitamin.”

1. Tired All Day, Every Day

Can’t shake that exhaustion? If you continue to feel sluggish after a full night of sleep, then it may be cause for concern. It’s time to get the levels checked!

2. Down in the Dumps

Vitamin D — which not only is for bones, but for your mood as well If you struggle to find the good in life and feel blue more often than not, low serotonin levels may be partly responsible or perhaps even driving your blues.

3. Aches & Pains Galore

Got unexplained aches? Vitamin D — your bone needs it The body is great at sending signals, it might be time to listen if your joints and muscles are complaining.

4. Catching Every Bug

Are you constantly sniffling? SURE-FIRE SIGN #3 — Your immune system is well and truly compromised if you’re one of those people who gets every cold under the sun: You see, a healthy immune system actually EXPOSES us to infections!; If it turns out that you are a magnet for each new case in town OR maybe experiencing PERSISTENT COLD/FLU SYMPTOMS but without ADDITIONAL symptoms… there’s good chance your VITAMIN D levels could do with some serious boosting.

5. Slow-Healing Wounds

Slow healing boo boos (reruns of channel99) Vitamin D-Vitamin D is vital for cell repair. If you heal yourself till the slow aeon, your scavenged problem may voice a word hope.

6. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Watching more hair come out in your brush? Vitamin D deficiency, in general, can cause hair loss due to the many factors associated with it.

7. Gut Feeling

Got digestive issues? Vitamin D is a fat soluble nutrient. You May Have Conditions Like Crohn’s Or Celiac Disease

There are a couple that if you may recognize, do not freak out!

Get yourself tested by your doctor with a simple blood test that tells you if you’re low on D and what to do about it. Maybe a few little supplements & some more sunshine was just what the doctor ordered to get you back on track.

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